Please be advised we do NOT cover any shipping or custom costs.
We can ship to virtually any address in the world. Note that there are restrictions on some products, and some products cannot be shipped to international destinations.
If you are shipping to yourself, we CAN provide you with a quote 24 – 48 hrs AFTER the payment has been received for your invoice or you schedule your own pick up.
We do not claim any Intelletual Properties of any offers presented here in this channel. All copyrights and Intellectual Properties belong to their respective owners. The item may or may not be purchased from manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, closeouts or liquidation companies.
We take no responsibility for Amazon issues or brand related issues.
We take no responsibility for price fluctuations within Amazon’s or any other marketplaces.
you are not entitled to any refund, unless there was misinformation from us during the ordering process, in which case you may email us and we shall, at our absolute discretion, decide if you are entitled to a refund.
We will not be responsible for the products once they are fulfilled. This means we do not take responsibility for how you advertise or sell these products.
No refunds or credit will be offered to any customer that is not ungated in a category or brand on Amazon. It is your responsibility to do your own research.
Both parties to this contract warrant that they have the require licenses and permits to enter into this Contract as set out below.
As a Customer you warrant that you have a resale certificate and you are tax exempt for your purchase.
We shall not have any liability in relation to your breach of any warranties and shall not be liable for any IRS or other government agency taxes, fees or duties whatsoever.
1252 N La Loma Cir
Anaheim, CA 92806
United States
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